The Results of the Survey of the Speak/e/s Family Association Members, Winter 2023-2024
With the increase in new membership, the Executive Committee conducted an online survey available to all Association members during the period of the first week of December 2023 through January 31, 2024. To stress our desire to include your input, two reminders were sent to the membership after the initial notice the survey was posted online. Our purpose for conducting the Survey was to gather membership feedback on what information, activities and services are of importance or most of interest to them. Additionally, it was designed to capture our member’s wishes for operational issues (e.g., timing and content for Annual meetings, Bulletins [newsletters], website services, online archives, and our Facebook page).
We were extremely pleased and appreciated the excellent Survey response rate of nearly 50% of our membership providing input. We continue to work through the responses to capture and deliver the experience you expect from the Association. A specific example is our decision to hold the 2024 annual meeting in our ancestral home of Charles County, Maryland, in October 2024. This site and timing were based on the preference of the membership as stated in the survey.
Q 1. What do you want most from the Association?
Respondents were asked to rank 5 activities or outcomes. The ranked order follows:
Information to help me build my family tree
Genetic Genealogy—finding out how we are related through DNA testing and analysis
Family history—Speak/e/s stories and photos
Archives—collecting, organizing, and making Speak/e/s cousins and relatives
Annual meeting with Speak/e/s family cousins and relatives
Q 2. What are ways you receive information from the Association?
Respondents were asked to select all they use or personally prefer. Listed in order, from most to least selected:
The Speak/e/s Family Association Bulletin (95%)
Speak/e/s Family Association website (68%)
The Speak/e/s Family Association Facebook page (42%)
The Annual Meeting (29%)
Email from cousins (20%)
Respondents who selected “other” specified the following: Four respondents expressed they were unable to travel and two said they would appreciate recorded or virtual attendance at events. Others asked that the website and Facebook be more up-to-date, they would like to receive more push notifications and and one specifically requested more genealogical information be available in the online archives. One mentioned the desire to have access to Roberta Estes’ blog. One expressed appreciation for the website, newsletter and emails with cousins as a way of staying in touch.
Q 3. What are the reasons you would be most likely to attend an annual meeting in 2024?
Respondents were asked to check all that apply.
I would like a virtual attendance option accessing presenters or help sessions (57%)
Get the latest and best information on Speak/e/s Family genealogical advances (55%)
Hear from experts regarding advancing the understanding of Speak/e/s family relationships through DNA testing (55%)
Sustain the Speak/e/s Family Association to make sure it continues to serve the family (52%)
Visit with my cousins who have become great friends, and to meet new cousins (38%)
I am unlikely to attend an annual meeting (29%)
Q 4. How much do the following factors influence your choice to attend the annual meeting?
Respondents were asked to rank their preferences. In rank order:
Access to historical sites of significance to the Speak/e/s Family
Access to genealogical libraries or archives
Access to optional excursions to local attractions
Family-centered activities or to visit family/friends in the area
Q 5. Would you be most likely to attend an annual meeting in 2024 if it were held in:
Answers are listed in order by the number most favored by respondents.
Southern Maryland (Washington, DC airports; ancestral homeland)
Frankfort, Kentucky (near genealogical resources)
Cincinnati, Ohio (near extended family members)
Respondents also could respond “other” and add their comments. There were 12 comments, as follows: Seven responses mentioned problems with travel and two suggested that options for virtual attendance be made available. Other locations mentioned included Western Maryland, Salt Lake City, UT, Mississippi, Tennessee, California and Texas.
Q 6. We'd like to hold the 2024 annual meeting when it would be convenient for the most people. Please rank the options below in order of your preference. If you are unlikely to attend in 2024, please put that option at the top of your list.
Answers are listed in ranked order.
September or October
June, July or August (school out of session)
April or May
I am unlikely to attend an annual meeting in 2024
November through March
Q 7. In the past, the Association has published three to five Bulletins per year. How many Bulletins would you like to receive per year?
Answers are listed by the number most favored by respondents.
Three Bulletins per year (37%)
Four Bulletins per year (32%)
Five Bulletins per year (16%)
Two Bulletins per year (16%)
Q 8. How would you describe your demographic?
Age 61 or older (83%)
Age 41-60 (14%)
Prefer not to answer (3%)
40 or younger (0%)
Q 9. How long have you been a member of the Association?
More than ten years (45%)
Five to ten years (24%)
One to five years (24%)
Less than one year (5%)
I am currently not a member (2%)
End of survey responses.
Your Board wishes to thank you for taking the survey. Our hope is this information will help us ensure that membership in the Association is meaningful and attracts others to join us. We plan to conduct an annual survey that will inform our actions going forward.
— Rebecca McClanahan, Vice President