Speaks Chapel Cemetery Needs Your Support!
Headstone for Reverend Nicholas Speak and Sarah Faires Speak
On September 22nd and 23rd, 2023, Michael and Joannie Ham (our son and daughter-in-law) and I attended the Speak/e/s Family Reunion held in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. To our surprise, we were the only descendants of Nicholas and Sarah Faires Speak present at this event! Despite the lack of fellow descendants of Nicholas and Sarah, I did give a report about Speaks Chapel Church and the Cemetery.
I first learned about Speaks Chapel Methodist Church about 1979 when I visited with our cousin, Ola Bartley Wood, and her sister, Dola Bartley Queener. Later I learned about the Speak/e/s Family Association from Billie King Snow, also a Bartley cousin. Don and I attended the SFA Convention held in Charlotte, NC in 1981. That’s when I became a member.
Rev. Bruce Johnson
Early on, we realized there was no stone for Nicholas and Sarah Faires Speak in the cemetery at Speaks Chapel. Billye Snow had connections with a monument company so she began a drive for funds to erect a stone in memory of Nicholas and Sarah. The Stone was first placed in the back of the cemetery near the stones of Mitchell Speak and his children. This was not appropriate. A new location was determined. Rev. Bruce Johnson (not a member of Speaks Chapel) was very active in cleaning the cemetery and preparing for the dedication held on 28 July 1991. This was very well attended. Rev. Johnson continued to care for the cemetery until he moved away from Lee County, VA. Later Chris Davis, son of Jewell Davis, became the caretaker of the cemetery.
Other special services have been held at the Speaks Chapel Church and cemetery. Most recently we held a service at Speaks Chapel in connection with the SFA convention held in Pine Mountain State Park (23 September 2017). A marker was placed by the monument to identify Nicholas Speak as a soldier in the War of 1812.
Back of cemetery, with three legible stones
The church property now belongs to Rev. Francis Bartley, Jr. and his wife, Rev. Lois Bartley. Since they do not plan to be at this location all the time, we need Chris Davis to continue as the caretaker for this special cemetery. The Speaks Chapel Cemetery fund has been dwindling fast. Lots of work and finances have gone into keeping the cemetery in good shape. Please don’t stop now! Nicholas and Sarah descendants please consider donating to the Speaks Chapel Cemetery fund. In the past other Speak/e/s descendants have made donations. We will accept donations from any SFA member or other interested party!
We want to keep the cemetery in good shape for the future when our grandchildren and other relatives decide to visit. We owe it to our ancestors, Nicholas and Sarah Faires Speak, as well as our future generations to keep their memory alive.
Speaks Chapel Cemetery
I’m mailing my check to Jo Ellen Speak, Treasurer, 6959 Spicewood Lane, Tallahassee, FL 32312. Write the check to the SFA Association and designate the check for the Speaks Chapel Cemetery Fund. Won’t you join me in this worthy project?
-- Dolores Ham